Our School Board

The Karridale Primary School Board is the peak governance body for the school. The Board takes part in establishing and reviewing the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions, and evaluates the school’s performance in achieving them.

The School Board is made up of elected parent representatives, staff members, community members and the Principal.

The Board meets four to six times a year and consists of up to ten members.

The Board functions within its Terms of Reference, which are compliant with the School Education Act (1999) and School Education Regulations (2000).

The Board does not have a role in school management. This is the responsibility of the Principal and involves educational leadership and the effective day to day administration, supervision and control of the school and its staff.

School Sign

Elections are held annually for positions on the School Board. For information about joining please download our nomination information.

Download “2020-Nomination-Invitation.pdf” 2020-Nomination-Invitation.pdf – Downloaded 655 times – 381.70 KB

Our 2023 School Board Members are:

Community Members
  • John Wilson (Chairperson)
  • Margaret Martin
Parent Representatives
  • Kristy Hathaway
  • Nanette O’Connor
  • Dannielle Owen (Secretary)
Staff Members
  • Fiona Cormack (Principal)
  • Robyn Dennis
  • Jane Jasper
  • Nat Mulvey