P & C Association

Karridale Primary School Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) welcomes parents, teachers and community members. Together they support the learning and infrastructure of our school.

Funds raised by the P&C contribute to the funding of programs and facilities within the school, which makes for a better educational experience for the students.

Meetings are held twice per term, usually on Wednesday afternoons. 

The P&C look forward to welcoming new parents, new ideas and input.

Membership is $1 per adult annually.

To find out more, please message our P&C Secretary, Dannielle Owen at: [email protected]

You can keep up-to-date on meetings and other happenings by following the Karridale School P&C Facebook page.

Click below to obtain a membership form:

Download “MEMBERSHIP-FORM-for-2021.pdf” MEMBERSHIP-FORM-for-2021.pdf – Downloaded 924 times – 624.62 KB
P&Amp;C At Karridale
2024 P&C Office Bearers

President Nanette O’Connor

Secretary Dannielle Owen

Treasurer Harriet Wren

Book Club Co-ord Donna McDonald

Canteen Co-ord Dannielle Owen

Uniform Co-ord Kylie Gregory

If you wish to contact the P&C, please call the Administration Office on 9781 5150 for a contact number.